
Stay Healthy, Stay Fit


World Trauma Day is observed on the 17th of October every year. This day emphasizes the increasing rate of accidents and injuries that cause death and disability across the world, and the need to prevent these mishaps. World Trauma Day aims at spreading awareness on the different ways to prevent accidents and the precautions one can take to keep safe.

The word “Trauma” refers to any physical injury to the body. There may be several causes of the injury such as road accidents, falling, violence, and abuse inflicted by another person, burns caused due to fire breakouts, and more. However, among the many reasons mentioned above, Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) are the major cause of trauma across the globe. About 5 million people die from trauma across the world every year. Most of these injuries even cause permanent disability or death. Having a road/fire accident can significantly impact one’s life and bring about a drastic change in their attitude and behavior.

How does an accident impact and alter one’s life?

An accident can have severe repercussions on a person’s life, and they go beyond just the obvious external injury. Some of the ways in which an accident can alter the victim’s life are:

  1. Mental health issues:

Several accident victims struggle with mental health issues in the aftermath of an accident. Most victims go through a condition known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This occurs when the victim fails to recover after a traumatic event. Apart from PTSD, they may face other mental health problems too. These issues may vary from severe stress, sleeplessness (insomnia) to anxiety. Victims who have had a permanent disability from the accident may also struggle with depression.

  • Strained relationships:

After undergoing a traumatic event, several victims have reported that it has put a strain on their relationships – parents, spouse, children, and friends. This may happen due to the stress and other mental health problems that occur after the accident.

  • Negative impact on professional life:

An accident can also have a negative impact, not just on the victim’s personal life, but on their professional lives as well. This problem might stem from the anxiety of returning to the workplace after a traumatic event. It may also affect the punctuality and the ability to perform at the workplace, leading to strained relationships with their manager and even their colleagues.

  • Fear of commuting:

If the victim has been involved in a car or bike accident, they might fear commuting by those means again, due to the trauma faced earlier. The idea of commuting may also trigger their anxiety and forbid them from doing so.

  • Long-lasting physical impact:

This is one of the most common factors that will impact the victim. Serious accidents can leave behind a lasting physical impact that may persist for years after the mishaps have taken place. This can include traumatic brain injuries, fractures that may require surgeries to fix it, spinal injuries, permanent disabilities, and in extremely severe cases, an amputation.

How can one recover from an accident?

After suffering an injury during an accident, complete recovery takes a lot of time, patience, and care. Depending on the severity of the injury, the recovery may take several months or even years. Though you cannot get a definitive time of recovery, there are certain things you can do to ease out the process.

  1. Seek medical help immediately:

In several cases of accidents, though the injuries may not be visible immediately, it is important to seek medical attention. Signs of concussions, pain and damage to the spine or limbs may take hours to appear. The longer you wait, the higher the risk of the injury worsening.

  • Thoroughly follow the treatment plan:

Depending on the severity and location of the injury, the treatment plan would differ. The most effective way to ensure complete recovery is to follow the treatment plan prescribed by the doctor, with utmost care. In cases involving fractures and broken bones, the doctors will prescribe surgery to fix the bones with the help of implants.

  • Rest:

Giving your body the rest it needs plays a crucial role in the recovery process. After a severe injury, it is important that your body slows down and gets the time to heal. Getting a good night’s sleep will impact your body positively and keep your energy levels intact. The level of stress hormones in the body also drops while you sleep, and blood flow also increases, allowing your muscles and tissues to repair.

Surgery after accidents

In cases of severe injuries that result in bone fractures and damage, the doctor usually recommends surgery to fix them. During the surgery, the surgeon may use surgical implants to replace a biological structure that has been damaged due to trauma in an accident or provide structural support.  Some of the most common implants used in surgeries to treat damage caused by an accident are:

  1. Plates:

The function of plates is to hold the broken pieces of bones together. They are attached to the bones with the help of screws. The plates also work to control and nullify all the forces in the bone such as compression, bending, and more.

  • Screws:

The primary function of a screw is to produce compression in the bone, which is required to mend the injury/fracture. The screw converts the force that arises from the bone movement into compression and distributes it evenly to the surface of the injured bones.

  • Intramedullary Nails:

Intramedullary Nailing is a procedure used to fix broken bones and keep them stable. In this procedure, a metal rod  (intramedullary nail) is placed in the center of the bone to provide support for the fractured bone. This procedure is most commonly used to fix the thigh, shin, upper arm, and hip.

  • Prosthesis:

A prosthesis is an artificial substitute or a replacement of a body part such as an arm, a leg, a facial bone, a hip joint, or even a breast implant. A prosthetic implant can be used when a certain part of the body has to be removed or amputated. Prosthetics are removable.

These surgical implants should be resistant to chemical reactions and completely biocompatible, to not cause infections. Implants should also be able to resist wear for a long time, which is why the materials to make the implants must be chosen carefully. Some of the most common materials that are used to make implants are:

  • Stainless Steel: Stainless steel has been used in surgical processes for a very long time due to its properties. Stainless steel is corrosion-resistant, and this property is extremely in implants as they are placed inside the body, and may come in contact with biological fluids. This prevents the chances of an infection occurring.
  • Titanium Alloy: Compared to stainless steel, the use of titanium in implants is a relatively new practice. However, titanium implants are now most sought-after as they retain as much strength as stainless steel and are comparatively lighter.

How can we prevent road accidents?

Road accidents are the leading cause of most injuries across the world. Though there are many treatments and recovery options available to reverse damage caused by an accident, it is also important to work towards preventing accidents from taking place. During an accident, several things aren’t in our control. However, there are certain precautions we can take from our end, to avoid accidents as much as possible.

  • Develop the right attitude: Several road accidents are a result of factors like over-speeding, jumping the signal, and irresponsible driving. It is extremely necessary to develop a responsible attitude towards driving and be in complete control of the vehicle.
  • Wear your seat belt:  Wearing your seat belt while sitting in the vehicle is a norm – whether you are seated in the driver seat or the passenger seat.
  • Avoid drinking and driving: This goes without saying. Alcohol may dim your senses and impairs your visual functioning, leading to difficulty in steering the vehicle and poor control. Follow safe driving practices and avoid driving under influence (DUI).

Though there may be several factors that are out of our control in an accident, we can do our bit to stay careful and ensure the safety of others. In case of an accident, make sure that you call the emergency helpline number immediately to get assistance. Stay mindful of the traffic guidelines and follow road safety to prevent unnecessary accidents!

World Arthritis Day, referred to as WAD, is celebrated on October 12th. According to the Arthritis Foundation, one in every three persons in the world aged 18 to 64 has arthritis. Arthritis is a condition in which the joints become inflamed and make it difficult to move. Sedentary behavior has increased in the urban population, resulting in lower muscle mass and bone strength. WAD strives to raise awareness of the existence and effect of rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders, often known as RMDs, among all audiences around the world. The crippling effects of these disorders, of which there are over 200, are little understood. Arthritis is a broad term that refers to a variety of disorders that affect the joints, surrounding tissues, and other connective tissues. Arthritis is generally diagnosed as a result of acute or chronic joint inflammation, which is commonly accompanied by pain and structural abnormalities.

What causes arthritis? 

Arthritis is caused by a variety of factors, including infection, crystal deposition, heredity, injury, and repetitive use. Joint pain and stiffness are common symptoms of arthritis, which vary depending on the type. 

Cartilage is a stiff but flexible connective tissue found in your joints. It protects your joints by absorbing the strain and shock of movement and stressing them. A decrease in the normal amount of cartilage tissue causes arthritis.

One of the most frequent types of arthritis is Osteoarthritis (OA), which is caused by normal wear and tear. A joint infection or injury can hasten the natural degradation of cartilage tissue. If you have a family history of OA, your chances of developing it are increased.

The autoimmune condition Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is another common kind of arthritis. It happens when your immune system targets your body’s tissues. The synovium, soft tissue in your joints that creates a fluid that nourishes the cartilage and lubricates the joints, is affected by these attacks. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a synovial disease that attacks and destroys joints. It can eventually cause both bone and cartilage inside the joint to be destroyed. It’s unclear what causes the immune system’s attacks. However, scientists have uncovered genetic markers that fivefold enhance your chances of acquiring RA.

How is it diagnosed? 

If you’re not sure who to see for an arthritis diagnosis, start with your primary care physician. They’ll do a physical exam to see if there’s any fluid around the joints, if the joints are heated or red, and if the joints have a limited range of motion. If necessary, your doctor can recommend you to a specialist.

If you’re having significant symptoms, you might want to see a rheumatologist first. This could lead to a more rapid diagnosis and treatment.

Your doctor can determine what type of arthritis you have by extracting and testing inflammation levels in your blood and joint fluids. Anti-CCP (anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide), RF (rheumatoid factor), and ANA (antinuclear antibody) blood tests are additional common diagnostic procedures.

Imaging scans such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans are widely used by doctors to create images of your bones and cartilage. This allows them to rule out alternative possibilities for your symptoms, such as bone spurs.

How to prevent Arthritis? 

Arthritis cannot always be avoided. Some factors, such as your age, family history, and gender, are beyond your control (many kinds of arthritis are more common in women). Arthritis can be classified into over a hundred different forms. Osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are the three primary kinds. Each variety develops uniquely, although they are all painful and can result in loss of function and deformity.

You can lower your risk of acquiring sore joints as you get older by practicing a few healthy practices. Many of these habits, such as exercising and eating a nutritious diet, also aid in the prevention of other diseases.

  • Consume fish: Omega-3 fatty acids, a beneficial polyunsaturated lipid, are abundant in certain fish. Omega-3 fatty acids have a variety of health benefits, including the ability to reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Your knees must bear the weight of your body. They can suffer a lot as a result of being overweight or obese. Overweight women are about four times more likely than healthy-weight women to have knee osteoarthritis. Diet and exercise can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercise: It relieves the burden of excess weight on your joints while also strengthening the muscles that surround them. This helps to keep them stable and protects them from further wear and strain.
  • Take care of your joints: Sitting, working, and lifting with the proper technique can help prevent joints from ordinary strains. When lifting objects, for example, lift with your knees and hips rather than your back. 

What are the treatment options available?

The goal of arthritis treatment is to alleviate symptoms and improve joint function. Before you figure out what works best for you, you may need to try a few different therapies or combinations of treatments. Depending on the type of arthritis, different drugs are used to treat it. Like Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Counterirritants, Steroids, Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). 

  • Therapy

Some kinds of arthritis may benefit from physical therapy. Exercises can help you increase your range of motion and strengthen the muscles that support your joints. Splints or braces may be necessary for some circumstances.

  • Surgery

If non-invasive treatments fail, doctors may recommend surgery, such as:

  • Repair of the joints: Joint surfaces can be polished or repositioned to alleviate pain and increase function in some cases. These operations are frequently performed arthroscopically, which means they are done through small incisions over the joint.
  • Joint replacement: In this surgery, the damaged joint is removed and replaced with an artificial one. The most common joints to be replaced are the hips and knees. Of late, for the knees, robotic knee replacement surgery is performed. It is similar to a traditional knee replacement. The surgeon removes the damaged part of your knee and

replaces it with an artificial one. The only difference is that it is done with the help of a robotic arm.

  • Joint Fusion: Smaller joints, such as those in the wrist, ankle, and fingers, are more commonly treated with this surgery. It separates the ends of the two bones of the joint and then locks them together until the joint heal into a single stiff unit.

While arthritis has no cure, the correct treatment can significantly reduce your symptoms. You can manage your arthritis by making several lifestyle adjustments in addition to the treatments your doctor suggests. This World Arthritis Day let us make people aware of arthritis and the importance of healthy bones and joints because educating people can lead to significant changes and alleviate human suffering.

The word “Osteoporosis” means “porous bone” in Latin. Osteoporosis is a medical condition in which the bones become extremely weak. In this condition, the bones become so brittle that they are susceptible to unexpected and sudden fractures. Usually, these fractures occur in the hip, wrist, or spine area. A healthy bone has small spaces on the inside. When the bones are affected by osteoporosis, the space inside the bones increase. This causes the bones to lose their density and strength, and the outside of the bones also grows weaker.

The disease often develops without any symptoms and is not diagnosed until the bones fracture or break at the slightest of stress. About 200 million people around the world are estimated to be living with osteoporosis. Although this disease can occur in both women and men, women are four times more likely to develop osteoporosis as compared to men. The disease can affect people of any age, but it is more common in old people.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis does not cause any symptoms during the early stages. In most cases, people with osteoporosis may not be aware that they are affected by the condition until the first fracture. However, once the bones have been weakened by osteoporosis, you may display the following symptoms:

  • Backache
  • Loss of height
  • Change in posture such as stooping
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sudden and frequent bone fractures

Causes of Osteoporosis

The bones in our body are in a constant state of renewal, as the old bones are broken down and new bones are formed. In younger people, the new bones are formed faster, before the old ones are broken down and the bone mass also tends to increase. This process slows down after the early 20s and people reach their peak bone mass by the age of 30. The higher the peak bone mass, the lower the risk of osteoporosis.

Risk Factors of Osteoporosis

Several factors are likely to increase your risk of developing osteoporosis. They are:

Age: This is the biggest risk factor for osteoporosis. The older you get, the greater your risk of developing the condition.

Sex: Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis in comparison to men.

Race: People who are of Asian or Caucasian descent are at a higher risk of osteoporosis.

Weight: People with smaller body frames and lower weight are more likely to develop osteoporosis as they have less bone mass to draw from.

Hormone Levels: Lower sex hormones in the body tend to weaken the bones. This is why women at menopause are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis, as the estrogen levels in the body reduce.

Thyroid: Excessive thyroid hormone can lead to bone loss. This can occur if you have hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or consume too much thyroid hormone medication to treat hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).

Low Calcium Intake: Less intake of calcium plays an important role in the development of osteoporosis. Low calcium can lead to diminished bone density and increases the risk of fractures.

Eating Disorders: Being underweight and restricting food intake also leads to osteoporosis as there is less bone mass to draw from.

Steroids: Long-term use of corticosteroid medications, oral or injected, interferes with the bone-rebuilding process.

Sedentary Lifestyle: People who indulge in less physical activities have a higher risk of osteoporosis as weight-bearing exercises and other activities such as walking, running and dancing are beneficial for the bones.

Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

Before the doctor runs any other tests, he will review your medical history to find out if you have had any medical conditions that could lead to osteoporosis. The doctor will first check if you have a family history of osteoporosis. Once verified, the following are the tests that your doctor might suggest to determine if you have osteoporosis.

Blood Tests: The doctor may run blood tests to check for the condition that may lead to bone loss or reduction in bone density.

Bone Density Test: Also known as Bone Densitometry, this test uses an x-ray to measure the density of your bones in the wrists, hips, and spine. This can take up to 10 – 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

Maintaining a good diet and an active lifestyle play an important role in keeping your bones healthy. Some risk factors such as age, race, and gender cannot be changed. However, there is a certain measure you can take to reduce the chance of developing osteoporosis.

Include calcium in your diet:  An adult should consume about 1,000 milligrams of calcium on an average, a day. Some of the best sources of calcium include dairy products, green leafy vegetables, salmons/sardines, tofu, cereals, and more. However, if you are unable to include enough calcium in your diet, you can also consider taking calcium supplements.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D enables the body to absorb calcium, which in turn helps improve bone health. Vitamin D can be obtained from exposure to sunlight and dietary sources such as cod liver oil, salmons, and fortified milk.

Regular Exercise: Having a regular exercise regimen can help strengthen bones and slow down bone loss. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking, jogging, and rope skipping strengthen bones in the legs, hips, and lower spine.

Treatment of Osteoporosis

The treatment for osteoporosis depends on the results of the bone density test. If your risk of bone-breaking and fracture isn’t high, the treatment may not include medications and will focus on reducing risk factors and strengthening your bones.

Hormone Therapy

Estrogen, especially after menopause, can help maintain bone density. However, it might also cause other diseases like breast cancer and blood strokes.


If you are diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, or if the other treatment methods do not work, the doctor might suggest medications.

Though osteoporosis is not completely curable, one can take the necessary treatment to keep the bones strong and healthy. Several risk factors are not under our control such as age, race, and gender. However, making certain lifestyle changes like regular exercising, stopping tobacco and alcohol usage, and increasing calcium intake can help keep osteoporosis at bay. So, keep yourself aware of your risks and approach your doctor immediately when you start noticing symptoms to treat osteoporosis in the early stage.

Disclaimer: This blog is only for awareness purpose. We do not intent to promote any medications given in the blog. Please consult your physician before taking any medication.

The IPC or the Infection prevention and control is an evidence-based practical approach that prevents patients and health workers from being harmed by avoidable infection.

The International Infection Prevention Week was established in 1986. This year’s theme is “Make your Intention Infection Prevention” The idea is to highlight the science behind infection prevention and inspire people to join the fight.

The aim is to make sure that no one catches an infection while receiving health care. There is a possibility that infections can spread through outbreaks and many regular care practices as a result of antimicrobial resistance. This could affect hundreds of millions of people across the world every year. WHO is working with numerous partners to deliver quality care through IPC practices.

Let us take a look at some of the guidelines by the WHO for medical professionals to follow concerning IPC, and how we as patients can also equally be part of the solution:

Core components of Infection Prevention and Control

The WHO core components for Infection Prevention and Control are based on scientific evidence, expert consensus, and experiences of a country, and provide the foundation for strengthening established programs at the national and facility level.

These guidelines enhance the capacity of Member States to develop and implement effective behavioral modifications that are interventions, at national and acute health facility levels. They are a key part of the strategies to prevent infections, disease(es, or threats like Ebola and strengthen health services, thus combating antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The guidelines are created to support the countries that are still in the process of formulating their IPC protocols and AMR plans to support healthcare and strengthen their approach.

HAIs or Healthcare-associated Infections and guidelines

Annually, millions of patients around the world suffer from healthcare-associated infections. These are called HAIs. HAIs are frequent adverse events in health care, and their global burden remains undetermined because it is rather difficult to gather data that is reliable. IPC undertakes the global issue of HAIs as a key area of work. Research has been conducted to identify published studies through systematic literature reviews from developed and developing countries to highlight the magnitude of HAIs. WHO has published reports on this topic as well.

Hand washing

There is a simple solution to HAIs. Most of these are preventable through good hand hygiene practices. Cleaning hands the right way at the right time is key. The WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in healthcare are shown to be the most effective approach. Hand hygiene improvement programs can prevent up to 50% of avoidable infections acquired during health care delivery. It can also generate economic savings on an average, 16 times the cost of implementation

Surgical site infection Guidelines

  • Alcohol-based antiseptic solutions based on Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) for surgical site skin preparation should be used on patients undergoing surgical procedures.
  • Patients with nasal carriage of S.aureus should receive intranasal applications of mupirocin 2% ointment with or without a combination of chlorhexidine gluconate body wash.
  • Surgical hand preparation should be performed either by scrubbing with suitable antimicrobial soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub before wearing sterile gloves.
  • Mechanical bowel preparation alone (without the administration of oral antibiotics) should NOT be used in adult patients undergoing effective colorectal surgery.
  • Hair should not be removed for a patient undergoing surgical procedures unless necessary.
  • Shaving is strongly discouraged at all times.
  • Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis SAP should be administered before surgical incision when indicated.
  • SAP should be administered within 120 min before the incision while considering the half-life of the antibiotics.

Injection safety guidelines

Sometimes, injections that are intended to promote health do the opposite when they are administered in an unsafe way. Practices like using the same needle or syringe to administer injections to more than one person can lead to life-threatening infections.

How you as a patient can join the fight

Being aware of the risks of unsafe injections, the benefits of taking an oral medication, and inquiring about alternatives to injections can be ways in which patients can play their part in IPC. One can also ensure that injections are delivered with a syringe and needle opened from new packets only.

The onus of protecting patients from HAIs or other infections is not just on doctors and healthcare professionals, it is also on us, patients. Prevention is always better than cure. One can educate themselves on how infections can be avoided. Not to mention the very basic solution of handwashing that has kept most of us safe during the ongoing global pandemic.

COVID care in current times, COVID Self test is a need of the hour

As a country, we are standing on the verge of the third wave of COVID. The probable emergence of it is still not clear. Since offices, malls, public places have started opening up in full capacity; we need to be extra cautious about things.

If we don’t want to get again into the grip of the COVID wave, we need to take all basic necessary precautions like putting up a mask, practicing social distancing, and use of sanitizers, etc. Along with this we also have to make sure to avoid the mass spread in case there is a thin chance of probable infection. We need to adapt and facilitate the use of COVID self-test-like methodologies at home that will ensure early diagnosis, less damage to the health, and lesser risk, etc. This kind of self-assessment tool will further reduce the risks of mass outbreak multifold.

These self-test kits are available without prescription on online platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, and PharmEasy, etc, over the counter in a pharmacy or a retail store. At present, self-test kits are used for the detection of current infections by many people across the country. If we overrule such infections at home or take necessary steps in case of infections we can truly avoid the mass spread of the disease and as a country, we will win the war against COVID.

Little practices like these can help us avoid infections passed on during health care delivery. Maintaining basic hygiene is the first step to keeping oneself, and our near and dear ones safe. You can also talk to your doctor and get advice on what daily healthy habits and behaviors you can incorporate to join the fight against infections.

Surgical sutures, also known as stitches, are the most common medical devices used by doctors during surgeries. This involves using sterile surgical threads to repair and close wounds to the skin or the other tissues. These sutures help in holding the tissues together after a surgery or injury. Suturing involves the usage of a needle attached to a thread to stitch the wound firmly and close it. Thanks to several advancements in the medical field, doctors have access to a variety of sutures that come in different shapes, sizes, and materials.

Classification of Sutures

Surgical sutures can be classified based on several different factors. Some of them are:

Absorbable: An absorbable suture refers to the type of suture that does not require a doctor to remove. These sutures are dissolved by hydrolosis and the enzymes found in the tissues of the body. The types of absorbable sutures include Polyglycolic Acid Sutures, Polyglactin 910, Poliglecaprone 25, Catgut, and Polydioxanone sutures.

Non – Absorbable: These sutures are made up of materials such as silk or synthetics. These sutures will not be absorbed by the skin, unlike absorbable ones, and have to be removed by your doctor. Non – absorbable sutures are usually used on skin wounds(not needed) The types of non – absorbable sutures include Polypropylene sutures, Nylon (polyamide), Polyester, PVDF, Silk, and Stainless Steel sutures.

Monofilament sutures: As the name suggests, monofilament sutures comprise a single thread, which provides a better passage through the tissues, in a smooth manner. It also leads to lower tissue reactions.

Multifilament sutures: The multifilament sutures are also known as braided sutures. It consists of several threads braided together, leading to better security. If not taken care of properly it can lead to the chances of infection, hence always available with a coating material to avoid infection and for the smooth passage through tissues.

Barb sutures: These sutures have barbs or projections that can penetrate the tissues and hold them without the need for knots.

Synthetic and Natural Sutures

Surgical sutures can be divided into two types based on the raw material used in making them. Natural sutures include silk and catgut sutures, while synthetic sutures are made with materials such as polyester, nylon, and more.

Now that we know about sutures and their classification, let’s understand how to take care of the wound after undergoing the suturing procedure.

What measures can be taken to relieve suture pain?

As the sutured wound heals, you will be advised by your doctor to take proper care of the sutures, which includes cleaning and dressing your wound. There are some things you must keep in mind while the suture wound heals. It is extremely important to keep the wound dry, especially for the first 24 hours, as it will need time to heal and exposure to moisture will slow it down. You must make sure that you do not soak the wound in any given situation or swim when the sutures are on. Use only ointments and medicines given by your doctor.

Removing the sutures is a quicker process than suturing a wound, and it is not too painful. You may feel a slight stinging sensation or a pull on the skin. In some cases, you may also experience inflammation in the sutured area. You can use ice packs to reduce inflammation and pain.

How harmful is it to leave sutures in for longer than 7 days?

Sutures should usually be removed within 1 – 2 weeks of the procedure, depending on the location of suturing. If the non-absorbable sutures are used inside of the body, it remains in the body forever giving permanent support to the wound. The non-absorbable sutures used on the skin should be removed. Removing the sutures at the right time reduces the risk of permanent scarring, infection, or tissue reaction. However, if the sutures are removed too soon, it may result in dehiscence and spread of the scar. In simpler terms, the higher the wound tension, the higher the duration of a suture. In terms of location, facial sutures should be removed in a week, scalp sutures in 10 days. Sutures in the trunk or hands should be allowed to stay for 1-2 weeks, while in the case of legs, it should be around 2-3 weeks.

What happens if the sutures are not removed on time from the skin?

If the sutures are left on the skin for a longer period compared to the actual time of removal, it may lead to permanent scarring. Also, after a point in time, new skin will start growing over and through the sutures. In this case, it will be difficult for the doctors to remove the sutures, and also extremely painful for the patient.

Will the suture mark go away completely?

A suture mark may never go away completely. However, they fade with time. During the initial few months, the reddish pigment of the scar will start turning pale. In most scenarios, it takes around 2 years for a scar to fully mature. The permanent look of the scar depends on the nature of the wound, the underlying skin condition, and the extent of self-care measures taken post suturing. In areas that have rich muscles below the skin, the scarring is usually denser. Scarring is the body’s defense mechanism to help prevent infections.

Do the removal of surgical staplers hurt?

The removal of surgical skin staples is usually not a painful process. You may feel a tugging or pinching sensation when the staples are being removed. While removing the skin staples your doctor will remove any wound dressing covering the area and look for signs of an infection or issues with the wound. The sutured area will be sterilized with antiseptics before the staples are removed. Apart from a slight stinging sensation, the process is very smooth. Although suturing is a very simple medical procedure that does not have a lot of side effects, it is equally important to take the right care measures. Pay attention to what your doctor says and take precautions to keep the sutured area clean and protected. Follow the right suture care and speed up the healing process!