That constant battle with a stuffy nose, throbbing headache, and facial pain resulting from a sinus infection is exhausting! Sinus infections, or sinusitis, can turn even the brightest…
Dr. Praveen Chandra, Interventional Cardiologist from Medanta Heart Institute, Gurgoan and Dr. Vaikom Mahadevan from the UCSF medical center, USA discuss their experiences with different TAVI cases.
Are you recovering from Total Knee Replacement or TKR? Congratulations! You made it past the first hurdle! With a little attention and care, you will soon be back on your feet! Can’t figure what is allowed and what is not? Here is a simple guide to post-op healing to help you put your best foot forward!
Opting for any surgery is an important decision and Total Knee Replacement or TKR is no different. Wondering if it is the best option for your or your loved ones? Here’s some information that could help your decision-making process.
From walking to squatting and kicking, our knees play an important role in our lives. So it is inevitable that when our knees get damaged, the results can be quite painful indeed! To ease the pain one can opt for many ways, however, when all else fails, then one must look at TKR as an option.