Heart Attack
A heart attack generally occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. A person suffering from a heart attack may feel intense chest pains. Other symptoms include pain or discomfort in the arms, neck, back, stomach, or jaw and sudden shortness of breath. Smoking and obesity are major contributing factors to heart-attacks. Treatments range from lifestyle changes, medication, and stents to bypass surgery.
The mere thought of getting a cardiac arrest can make your heart beat faster for a moment. But today, even if a heart attack is a perilous event,…
Want to adopt a heart-healthy diet post angioplasty, but aren’t sure where to start?One way to begin is by giving a complete makeover to your current diet plan. Focus…
Undergoing a stent implant is daunting for most people, but having information at hand can demystify the process and make the situation a tiny bit less scary. While most of your questions can and should be answered by your cardiologist, here are a few things you should know about before getting a stent.
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